Series: Profile
The Other Mother
May 13, 2018 | Bob Kerrey
Passage: Proverbs 31:1-9
Big Idea: Compassion calls us to use our power unselfishly to serve the best interests of the disadvantaged who can give us nothing in return.
Proverbs 31:1-9 (ESV)
1 The words of King Lemuel. An oracle that his mother taught him:
2 What are you doing, my son?[a] What are you doing, son of my womb?
What are you doing, son of my vows?
3 Do not give your strength to women,
your ways to those who destroy kings.
4 It is not for kings, O Lemuel,
it is not for kings to drink wine,
or for rulers to take strong drink,
5 lest they drink and forget what has been decreed
and pervert the rights of all the afflicted.
6 Give strong drink to the one who is perishing,
and wine to those in bitter distress;[b]
7 let them drink and forget their poverty
and remember their misery no more.
8 Open your mouth for the mute,
for the rights of all who are destitute.[c]
9 Open your mouth, judge righteously,
defend the rights of the poor and needy.
Series Information

Everybody has a profile. And our profile is under construction. It's not finished yet.
Our profile is not necessarily what we post on social media, or what we put on our resume. It's who we really are. Or perhaps more to the point, it's who we are truly becoming.
In this sermon series, we're going to take a closer look at a number of Christ-like characteristics worth striving for and being known for.
If, by the grace and power of God, we could somehow pour a little more of these traits into our profile, we would be better people, and the world would be a better place.